THIS IS THE ACTUAL 'SHAPE' OF THE UNIVERSE and the true form of that which can not be said... Welcome to THE TORUS
An involutionary poem of sorts.
As is above so is below. This is a principle that reflects the reciprocal fractal supernesting and scalability of the fundamental concept of all nature.
So what is the Torus?
The Torus is the fundamental form/principle of all creation. Within it we find the genesis of all forces that interact within the universe. On the manifest side of the toroidal flow, we find all fundamental interaction between zero point source and all matter of source creation. The toroidal field and an inertial plane interaction is the root principle of all manifest creation at its core. At its core, the torus is a vortex, with a supernested mediation of presure gradiency which manifests as flow and field dynamics.
The Torus has an unmanifest, hyperdimensional inversion in non-Euclidian 'counterspace'. This we can choose to accept or not, but it will never be proven or disproven, as it is the divine state of the unmanifest, and the universe's greatest secret cloaked forever in the motions of the manifest energetic world.
The counterspatial component of the Torus, drives its manifest flows and vortex. Between the spatial and the counterspatial is the inertial plane. Centripedal field forces arise as a result of the zero point hyper-acceleration in the process of dimensional collapse/inversion into pure dielectrics with infinite velocity at the counterspatial void.
The spatial 'encapsulation' of the torus is the magnetic divergence of the prime dielectric field of all energy, or the convergent flow of all, back to the inertial plane, and from there back into the infinite void of the counterspatial aether through its dimensional collapse and inversion. The incommensurability of these two prime conjugate principles - magnetic field divergence and dielectric convergence, forms a gradient of outer and inner pressure boundaries.. and as such, it is the spatial component of 'space and time', where time is the vector momentum of the field operancy, and space is the magneto-dielectric field mediating itself outwards into the manifest. This is the root of our universe, and the basis of the creation of spatial mass particles. Pressure mediation is the manifestation of form, while the centripedal spin of the vortex pulls inward and towards the zero-point counterspatial aether, no matter where anything is, or is not. Where form be, there be mass, where its is not, there be only the aetheric dielectric zero-point field and its mediation of dielectric pressure.
The form of mass particles is based on the polarization, compression and configuration of hypertorus field dynamics, and commensurate field expressions and interactions. The induced coupling and de-coupling of torus field expressions is all a matter of flow manifesting from the torus vortex. Supernested pressure mediations attract like flows, and repel counterflows, while the dielectric field potentials couple and de-couple to create electric currency.
Creation generally extends outwards and inwards at a continous helical PHI ratio angle of 137.50776° ~ degrees, from the zero-point, creating perfect supernesting symmetry, and superconductivity along the primal electric carrier pathways. The torus field projection is the expansion of the primal creation point into volumetric space as all manifestation of all matter is magnetism, radiation, and loss of inertia, while entropy is actually a field tendency to return to the dielectric field and inertial aetheric counterspace.
Within the torus we will find the visible universe of electro-gravitomagnetic pathways, primal superfluids, plasmatter, and mass particles. From Nebulas to nanoparticulate, all is of, and in the Torus. All manifestation emanates from the etheric counterspace of the infinite void, and all gravitates in centripetal flows back into it.
Dark matter is a superfluidic, superconductive magneto-dielectric condensate. The 'empty' space of the dark universe is actually the coherence of gyrational and processional field dynamics of the hyperbolic divergence of the 'magnetism', or radiation of the inertial dielectric field of 'the Torus'. . This unseen counterspatial 'infinite void/zero-point field' is so replete with every possible permutation and combination of all interactions that it is the supernesting of all modalities ie. magnetism, electricity, dielectricity, and even gravity, in one universal force field dynamic.
This source energy and the vortex of the toroid expresses itself as a manifest oscillation and precession of force and motion in the magnetic field. The fully evolved expression of which is an infinite array of qualities and field interactions of electro-magnetic space pertubations intimately tied back through and to the dialectric field of the inertial plane of all source projection.
All projections have angular spatial momentum and thus invoke a reciprocal force, accelerating centripetal convergent return to the inertial counterspace, which thus denotes gravity and the dielectromagnetic gravitation of reciprocating and precessional field dynamics.
As such, the torus being the actual 'shape' of the universe, and 'as is above, so is below', we will find the fundamental principles of the toroidal magnetic field / inertial plane interactions as the root dynamic within all, whether superfluidic aether, plasmatter, mass particles and any phase shifted counterparts and conglomerates.
The principles of the toroidal-inertial hyper field interaction is the key to current and future fusion energy core design. This fusion core design will eventually supercede the nuclear fission core technology.